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MINISTER OF STATE SHANE MCENTEE ON ORGANIC FARMING - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about MINISTER OF STATE SHANE MCENTEE ON ORGANIC FARMING, we have been providing a full article about MINISTER OF STATE SHANE MCENTEE ON ORGANIC FARMING. Hopefully this article useful for you

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The new Minister of State with responsibility for the Organic Sector is Shane McEntee. This posting and next, his answers to a set of specific questions on the organic sector will revealed.

My first question related to his thoughts on the state of the organic sector in Ireland.

“I am very enthusiastic with regard to Organic Farming and the potential for growth of this sector in Ireland. There is also scope for a big increase in exports. In the conventional sector for example we export 90% of the beef we produce and similarly in the organic sector there is scope for exporting a multiple of what we consume at home. My primary focus is to encourage farmers to take advantage of both the domestic and export opportunities that exist.”

“I think that there is a wide awareness of organic production among farmers already. However, farmers are naturally cautious about making big changes in their farming systems. They need to see examples of successful operators before they make the switch. I believe that the Demonstration Farm Programme which commenced this year on June 23rd is an invaluable tool in this regard. I hope to have the opportunity to attend one of these farm walks this year.”

What does the organic sector need to do to grow?

“I believe the basic infrastructure is available. The Schemes of Grant Aid available from my Department have been of huge benefit. They continue to help significantly with the start-up costs involved with machinery and equipment and provide a valuable breathing space in getting an enterprise up and running. Effective enforcement of the governing EU Regulations including dedicated Inspectorate at retail level, which I understand is almost unique to Ireland, helps to ensure that the integrity of the organic sector and therefore consumer confidence continues to be maintained.”

“Bord Bia are supplying the marketing infrastructure and Teagasc the essential advice. Continuation of present policies will provide sustainable results in the long term.

Operators are free to decide on the farming system which they will pursue. I believe that there is a slow but definite change in attitudes as farmers are looking for opportunities to diversify and add value to their produce. Growing awareness of the real opportunities that do exist for the organic sector will be a key motivating factor for growth of the Sector.”

“While there are big opportunities however, the Organic Sector needs to look more at value-added products. This is what our processors tell us and is what they themselves are focusing on. Of course the same is true of all kinds of food that we export, in the conventional sector as well as the organic one."

“Ultimately I believe that growth of the Organic Sector will be driven by enterprising individuals and companies with the foresight and commitment to identify and exploit the markets that exist to their full potential.”

“Recent success stories such as the Tipperary-Based Good Herdsmen contract with Germany for the supply of Irish Organic Beef for Baby Food, the Supervalu Initiative, Beal Cheese etc are clear evidence of the significant contribution that enterprising individuals can make. I believe if such people combine forces to promote and develop the Irish Organic Sector then they will succeed.”

These three success stories in more detail involve: Tipperary-Based organic meat producer Good Herdsmen has agreed a major contract with a German company to supply organic beef for baby food. This will require an additional 700 organic beef cattle per year.

The Supervalu Initiative allows the direct supply of organic fruit and vegetables from the organic producer to the supermarket outlet (without the requirement for a central distribution network). This ensures fresher supply, local identity and a reduction in transport costs.

Beal Cheese is being produced by an organic milk producer, Kate Carmody in Co. Kerry. A successful appearance on Dragons Den has facilitated the growth of the Company and over time will require supplies of organic milk from other operators.

Next week, we will deal with public procurement, as well as government commitment to the organic sector, including possible upcoming cuts.


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