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JOURNEYING TO EL SALVADOR - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about JOURNEYING TO EL SALVADOR, we have been providing a full article about JOURNEYING TO EL SALVADOR. Hopefully this article useful for you

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Well folks, at the end of the month I'll off to El Salvador with Trocaire to visit climate change mitigation and also other community, agricultural and environmental initiatives. Climate change is a specific focus of this trip - how communities deal with climate-change caused ultra extremes of weather in an already extreme weather country.  We'll meet up with  Friends of the Earth El Salvador as well as individual communities and networks of environmental and community development NGOs. I'll post here about my experiences here, and will also tweet (@oliver_moore).

Many of you may not have been aware of just how environmentally engaged Torcaire are-  certainly it was a suprize to me - but they really are working to help communities on the ground deal with environmental disasters, while also campaigning on climate change issues. this is very important, because they 'have the ear' of a massive part of Irish society, a part that doesn't necessarily have an environmental focus. Linking up these two sectors of Irish society will be vital if we are, collectively, to convince Environment Minister Phil Hogan to make a serious effort to turn his consultations on the Climate Change Bill, into a strong and binding  Act.

Before I start posting about the future, let me tell you a little about my past. I feel that I've come full circle in a way with this trip with Trocaire. Trocaire are a catholic charity. Though I'm not at all religious now, my religious upbringing gave me a grounding in social justice. Here's how.

My interest in social justice had already been tweaked by an especially engaged and engaging religion teacher, when I was 15 or so. This English Catholic man wrote children's books and claimed to be a Shin Fein voter. This latter fact may or may not have been true: his main interest was, it seemed, was not so much teaching religion as stirring up an ethics conversation.

He always riled and rose us, and when Ronald Regan came to Ballyporeen, he took it upon himself to distribute information about US foreign Policy in Central America. It was liberation theology, the kind that had found its way into Oscar Arnulfo Romero (Archbishop Romero) actions in El Salvador, and  the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The details of what was actually happening in Central America at the time shocked and moved me. In a way, I became an adult then. While all around, people were falling into a particularly Seamaus-O-Shaunessey, shamrocks-and-shillelaghs sort of Irishness for the presidential visitor, I found myself out of kilter with this general mood.

So once in College, I became a member of the One World Society, a student organisation dedicated to social justice in the third world, or majority south. Every Friday, we sold what was then a very scant amount of Fair Trade products, like Nicaraguan coffee in golden packets, on the concourse of the Arts block.

\Since then ,environment and social justice have been big parts of my life, mostly in research and writing, and occasionally (though not often enough) in practical terms. In January I visited Fair Trade and organic farms and plantations in India, and did as much publicity about the good work Fair Trade do as I could, on radio and in print.

this time around, I'll probably do more on line and social media publicity, but I'll keep you posted of whatever I manage to do to publicise what I encounter, all with a view to encourage the Irish government to face up to its responsibilities regarding Climate Change..

Finally, have a look at these two features on El Salvador and climate change: compelling reading.

Independent (UK)

Al Jazeera

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