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AN ORGANIC SANTY LIST - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about AN ORGANIC SANTY LIST, we have been providing a full article about AN ORGANIC SANTY LIST.
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(Note: this is a light hearted feature, but my thoughts today are with the friends and family of Minister Shane McEntee, who has just passed away suddenly.)
Oliver Moore writes to Santy...
Hi Santy, me again. I've a fair few things on my list – I hope you don't think I'm being greedy.First up, I definitely want the heads of the climate change bill and a strategic environmental assessment of Harvest 2020 Santy. Phew! Learning all the big words now, so I am Santy! And sure I may as well ask for the big things first.
Then again, there's nothing that unusual about those two things, we're supposed to have them ages ago - I'm actually surprised I've had to wait until Christmas.
(images from crypto mundo)
Environment Minister Hogan said he'd be ready by Halloween, and then he said end of the year, so he's running out of time.
As for the assessment, well, the Department says that's not necessary, because Harvest 2020 isn't a government plan. But Santy, have you seen the front cover? They have their logo on the front cover, and no one else does. And, the Minister who launched it Minister Smith, said “The Government’s strategic policy document, Food Harvest 2020, outlines the vision for the expansion of the agri-food and fishing sector, the actions to be taken, and the targets to be achieved.” In the Dail Santy!
Now, all of a sudden its not a government plan. They are hardly pretending are they? Pretending isn't very nice, is it? Those Ministers better make sure they are on the nice list and not the naughty list, because they might just be getting a big lump of coal off you if they're not careful. Isn't that right Santy?
I know everyone is trying really hard to get the beef and dairy Green House Gas emissions down, but its really hard, isn't it? They will be more more efficient per kg, but they are also ramping up production by loads – millions of animals in fact Mr Claus.
We're supposed to be reducing emissions by 30% in every sector, but the only ones so far with a plan, agri-food, won't reduce emissions at all. What will the rest of them do? I'm very confused. And apparently, a global 30% reduction is runaway climate change anyway. We're supposed to reduce by 80% by 2050, the scientists tell us.
How come the whole world isn't planning to reduce emissions by that amount Santy? I thought adults were clever? What's clever about guaranteed runaway climate change?
You know what would definitely work though, and what I would love to get from you? A little R&D into Agroforestry, and loads of of investment into vegetable production.
Agroforestry uses trees as food producing crops. Farm animals can even use the wooded areas. It would really suit some parts of Ireland. Imagine how lovely the whole place would look, if lots of farms had dozens of food producing tree varieties?
Of course we'd have to find markets for all these new nuts and fruits, but Bord Bia are good at that sort of thing. It would be more prudent than relying on importing grains all the way from south America, or Russia or wherever has them. Those grains ain't getting any cheaper, especially with the extreme weather situations the world has been having recently.
Agroforestry would also sequester (that's take and lock away) carbon - we really need that.
Organic farming does that too, so it does Santy. A big study of all the available studies in October found that organic farms have much bigger carbon stocks - 3.5 metric tonnes per hectare higher in fact. That's loads so it is.
But boy do the organic crowd need a lot of help Santy. Teagasc only have two organic advisers now - they must be lonely.
They need a lot of help Santy. Could you sort that out? Organic is one of the few targets they won't actually hit in Harvest 2020. Funny that. First it was 5% organic by 2012, and next it was 5% by 2020. But their miles off even that Santy.
Sounds like they need a Satnav. Can you get one for the Department, and say its from me? Cheers Santy.
That's our discussion regarding AN ORGANIC SANTY LIST
that's all organic foot formula AN ORGANIC SANTY LIST,
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