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WHAT OLLIE WANTS FROM SANTY 2013 - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about WHAT OLLIE WANTS FROM SANTY 2013, we have been providing a full article about WHAT OLLIE WANTS FROM SANTY 2013.
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Dear Santy – how are you? I’m very good. And I've been veeeerry good. Here. is. my. list.
The first thing I’d like is for Ennis town council to listen to the farmers’ market when making that new building in the town centre. I know – that one sounds easy. Still, sometimes simple little sensible things adults find really difficult –don’t they?
So the Council spent years Santy, years, not really giving them anything – not even access to a power point - and now, can you believe, they want to put them into a massive big yoke the market doesn’t want. Isn’t that mad – talk about killing something with kindness?
See the problem is that, although they say they need something, no one asked them or the residents or any of the local businesses about it. This new building would be massive, make the market hard to see, might be very windy, and have health, safety and security issues, while also not fitting into the look of that lovely town. That’s what the stallholders were telling me anyway Santy. All Ennis Town Council have to do is talk to them and then change their plans a bit – surely you can manage that Mr Claus?
I’ve a few more stocking fillers. You know I’m very into organics, so I’d love to see 2014 being the best year in ages for organic. I know the people in Bord Bia are working hard on it, and I’ve been a very tough on them in recent times. So in the spirit of the season I’m going to presume the best and try to give them lots of positive ideas and suggestions for 2014. It is the season of giving too after all isn’t it Santy? (See? I have to be on the nice list.)
So I’ll be suggesting things like developing a dedicated promotional campaign that culminates at organic week. Phew! This could use the phrases that have been approved for use in the UK by the advisory body for their Advertising Standards Agency. Have you seen them Santy? They are great, really clear, backed up by science and the EU Commission. Guess what? I’ve already asked the Irish Advertising Standards Agency – just last week - about the use of these phrases in Ireland! That would give a campaign substance and differentiation (I looked that last word up Santy, it’s a bit complicated but I think it’s exactly right one).
I’d love for the Organic Forum and the Department to give that Organic Week and awards budget to Bord Bia this time. There could be a great long build up to the week with this campaign: we could build upon the organic county of the month facebook campaign Bord Bia did.
There are funky options too Santy, if that’s more (in) your bag. Like the “Organic. Naturally Different” UK campaign. This uses graphics and social media well, with companies too. See also that organicukfood page. They all get EU money for free. Brilliant eh?
And, we could even do more stuff with the dedicated organic channels in places like France, where we build upon the Irish reputation, and add organic!
Oh and a dedicated Organic Trade or Representative Body – put that on the list too.
Oh.and there are a few biggies, if you can fit them into the red and white hat at the bottom of the bed – my CAP (!).
It has organic bits in it that are better value for the Department, like the European Innovation Partnership.
But let’s not allow pesticides into Ecological Focus Areas – that would be mad Santy, mad! What do YOU think the ‘icide’ bit means? Exactly.
And finally, make sure that double funding nonsense doesn’t affect organic payments.
And I know you know that I have been really good – I’m sure the NSA have passed that on.
I’ve leave out some organic carrots for the reindeers, and some organic milk and cookies for yourself!
The first thing I’d like is for Ennis town council to listen to the farmers’ market when making that new building in the town centre. I know – that one sounds easy. Still, sometimes simple little sensible things adults find really difficult –don’t they?
So the Council spent years Santy, years, not really giving them anything – not even access to a power point - and now, can you believe, they want to put them into a massive big yoke the market doesn’t want. Isn’t that mad – talk about killing something with kindness?
See the problem is that, although they say they need something, no one asked them or the residents or any of the local businesses about it. This new building would be massive, make the market hard to see, might be very windy, and have health, safety and security issues, while also not fitting into the look of that lovely town. That’s what the stallholders were telling me anyway Santy. All Ennis Town Council have to do is talk to them and then change their plans a bit – surely you can manage that Mr Claus?
I’ve a few more stocking fillers. You know I’m very into organics, so I’d love to see 2014 being the best year in ages for organic. I know the people in Bord Bia are working hard on it, and I’ve been a very tough on them in recent times. So in the spirit of the season I’m going to presume the best and try to give them lots of positive ideas and suggestions for 2014. It is the season of giving too after all isn’t it Santy? (See? I have to be on the nice list.)
So I’ll be suggesting things like developing a dedicated promotional campaign that culminates at organic week. Phew! This could use the phrases that have been approved for use in the UK by the advisory body for their Advertising Standards Agency. Have you seen them Santy? They are great, really clear, backed up by science and the EU Commission. Guess what? I’ve already asked the Irish Advertising Standards Agency – just last week - about the use of these phrases in Ireland! That would give a campaign substance and differentiation (I looked that last word up Santy, it’s a bit complicated but I think it’s exactly right one).
I’d love for the Organic Forum and the Department to give that Organic Week and awards budget to Bord Bia this time. There could be a great long build up to the week with this campaign: we could build upon the organic county of the month facebook campaign Bord Bia did.
There are funky options too Santy, if that’s more (in) your bag. Like the “Organic. Naturally Different” UK campaign. This uses graphics and social media well, with companies too. See also that organicukfood page. They all get EU money for free. Brilliant eh?
And, we could even do more stuff with the dedicated organic channels in places like France, where we build upon the Irish reputation, and add organic!
Oh and a dedicated Organic Trade or Representative Body – put that on the list too.
Oh.and there are a few biggies, if you can fit them into the red and white hat at the bottom of the bed – my CAP (!).
It has organic bits in it that are better value for the Department, like the European Innovation Partnership.
But let’s not allow pesticides into Ecological Focus Areas – that would be mad Santy, mad! What do YOU think the ‘icide’ bit means? Exactly.
And finally, make sure that double funding nonsense doesn’t affect organic payments.
And I know you know that I have been really good – I’m sure the NSA have passed that on.
I’ve leave out some organic carrots for the reindeers, and some organic milk and cookies for yourself!
That's our discussion regarding WHAT OLLIE WANTS FROM SANTY 2013
that's all organic foot formula WHAT OLLIE WANTS FROM SANTY 2013,
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