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FEEDING OURSELVES 05/04/2014: DO COME! - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about FEEDING OURSELVES 05/04/2014: DO COME!, we have been providing a full article about FEEDING OURSELVES 05/04/2014: DO COME!. Hopefully this article useful for you

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Ever go to a conference and mostly remember the bits in between the main speakers? The chats at lunchtime and during the really really short breaks? The cut off question that finally spoke truth to power? The folks you shared the car with on route? 

Well, at Feeding Ourselves 2014, the upcoming community food conference hosted by Cloughjordan Community Farm in Tipperary this will not happen! Instead, most of the event will be like an organised version of the coffee break, with occasional panels and keynotes, but only a sprinkling.

The collective wisdom of the room will be harnessed through participatory methodologies like the world cafe - where tables discuss topics and offer up to the collective their thoughts. These thoughts are then further points for discussion and elaboration: we build with and upon the learnings of the day.

But what will the 5th April event be about, and who will find it useful? The event will explain as much as possible about how and why CSAs operate, and what accrues when you become part of a CSAs.

Simply put, CSAs, or Community Supported Agriculture initiatives, are ways to do food differently. Consumers are more invoked in how production is done - producers have more input from these more engaged consumers. Producers have these consumers as more stable and guaranteed markets, more attuned to seasonality and more committed to sticking with the producers, whatever the consequences. That's often called sharing the risk and reward - and believe me, both are relevant. Risk happens - Climate change and economic near-collapses are seeing to that - but rewards do too - bountiful food and a coming together of people. Cloughjordan CSA, being member owned and operated, is different to many others, which tend to be producer-led.

Who will this event be of interest to? Well, anyone interested in producing, distributing or consumer food differently.

Producers: farmers and growers interested in finding more dedicated, committed, understanding consumers; in finding new routes to market, in connecting up with people in their locale in what is an otherwise quite isolated vocation/profession. Producers too will learn from the other producers they meet, about best practice in agronomy, about compost, BRIX measures, seed saving and more.

Communities: why not try to come together to take some charge of your food? Transition towns networks, food sovereignty campaigners, social inclusion organisations, academics interested in co-operative or more environmentally sound approaches to how food  is produced - this event is for you! And so is the methodology, which you can take away and start to implement elsewhere. GIY groups, healthy food for all, people fro the fledgling CSAs of Ireland, farmers' market organisers, LEADER programmes, all you guys...

Consumers: or, pro-sumers, co-umers, civic food actors - YOU. You reading this right now. Why not come? Maybe you are interested in food from the nutrition, tradition, environment, taste or politics perspectives. or a combination of these. Bloggers, food writers, activists, we're here for you!

We'll also have a bring-and-share meal, including recipe swap for all those super-seasonal dishes and treats, a tour of the farm and you also get to hang out in both WeCreate and the Ecovillage. The former is where people here in Cloughjordan are using 3-D printing, laser cutting, co-working space and C&C machines, the latter is, well, the ecovillage, an intentional community where people have come together to try to organise more of their lives and work together.

Here's a really solid Introduction to CSAs; below are some short clips of the farm and ecovillage.


That's our discussion regarding FEEDING OURSELVES 05/04/2014: DO COME!

that's all organic foot formula FEEDING OURSELVES 05/04/2014: DO COME!, I hope this article was useful for you.

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