Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics!
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Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics! - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics!, we have been providing a full article about Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics!.
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Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics!
So having done a column called Behind the Label for Food and Wine magazine since September 2009, the next one will be my last. But don't worry, it will be replaced with an organic food column instead! The focus in this new offering will be on Irish producers and their (certified) organic produce.
The behind the label column was good fun to do. I got to spend a few hours each month delving into one, usually topical, issue. Getting paid to spend longer looking into the details on some food topic/controversy something is a privilege - there's lots of noise out there, but its difficult to get the time to really try to figure a conundrum out: and getting paid is one way to create the time, especially over time (i.e. over years - labours of love don't pay the bills)
It was interesting too to work to a tight formula, one I'm not used to, and one which doesn't necessarily reflect my personality. The brief was: skeptical eye thrown over one topic; tight structure with 4 preset questions; sarcastic/dismissive/no nonsense explanation of the issue; solution at end. It was challenging to _start_ skeptical ,but it made me and my mind work a little differently, which I'm glad of.
Not everything turned out to be as bad as some of my preconceptions would have led me to believe - eg aspartame , while other things turned out to be worse (apt eg xylitol).
Here's the topics from 2009 to 2015 (not in order):
fat; quinoa; traffic light labelling; edible insects; agroforestry; utz certification; bees; CSAs; organic food; detox diets; arsenic in rice; CAP; GM; acid alkaline diets; functional foods; salad leaves; free range; sell by dates; red meat; palm oil; halal; fructose; E211; breakfast cereals; bisphenol A; yeast extract; nanoparticles; orange juice; pesticides; probiotics; rainforest alliance certification; raw milk; safefood; salt; soya; sulfites in wine; transfats; ultraprocessing; water; artisan food; biodynamics; bread; coffee. cooking; PDO/PGI; fair trade; GHG emissions; food pyramid; food speculation; GI diets; Irish Food; mercury; metals; milk; living foods; Climate Smart Agriculture; burnt food; campylobacter; TTIP; Paleo diets; Roundup; aspartame; kefir; fois gras; xylitol; tartrazine.
The makings of a wee pocket sized guide perhaps? Who knows...
fat; PDO/PGI; fair trade; GHG; GI diets; Irish Food; mercury; milk; living foods; campylobacter; TTIP; Paleo; Roundup; asparteme;
food and wine magazine
That's our discussion regarding Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics!
that's all organic foot formula Goodbye Behind the Label hello more Organics!,
I hope this article was useful for you.
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