No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions
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No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions, we have been providing a full article about No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions.
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No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions
Once again it's my turn to host No Croutons Required. This long running monthly event, alternately hosted by Jacqueline of Tinned Tomatoes and myself, showcases vegetarian soups and salads from fellow cooks. The weather is still warm, but there is a hint of autumn in the air, so I suspect we will have a nice mixture of soups and salads as the season is in transition.
As always, it's easy to participate.
To do so, prepare a soup or salad that is suitable for vegetarians and showcase it on your blog.
Link back to this announcement and Lisa's Kitchen as I am the host for September, and also Jacqueline's blog, as she is my co-host for this event.
Add your recipe using the linky tool at the end of this post by the 28th of this month. Only one entry per blogger please.
The roundup will be posted at the end of the month.
We are very much looking forward to your inspired creations. Soups and salads are a staple all year round and those who enjoy cooking never seem to tire of finding new recipes, myself included.
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That's our discussion regarding No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions
that's all organic foot formula No Croutons Required - Call for September 2015 Submissions,
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