Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere!
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Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere! - Hello Organic food formula friends, this article discuss about Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere!, we have been providing a full article about Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere!.
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Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere!
What: Accelerating the Transition to a Locally-Based Economic Model of Agriculture and Food Distribution.
Who: Cloughjordan Community Farm in partnership with Cultivate
When: Saturday 5th March 10.00 - 17.00
Where: WeCreate Workspace, Cloughjordan Ecovillage
How much: €30 (€25 CSA Network, Ecovillage, Cultivate or Food Sovereignty Ireland Members, €20 for Cloughjordan Community Farm members )
This event will examine how communities can build resilience and benefit from establishing co-operative food systems, it seeks to nurture the local food economy by facilitating connections between initiatives such as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), food coops & buyers clubs, community gardens, grow projects, community kitchens, and local food supply and distribution systems.
Places are limited, if you would like to book a place at this event send an email to
AccommodationConsider staying over as very affordable accommodation is available in Cloughjordan Ecovillage. To book Django’s Eco-Hostel see www.djangoshostel.com or call +353 87 256 9348. Some B&B accommodation is available in Cloughjordan
We are hosting A European Premiere of Polyfaces!
Harvey Weinstein, Oscar® winning Producer and CEO of The Weinstein Company
“The message is clear, regenerating soil is what will save the world. Lisa and Darren did a beautiful job with this…”
Michael Pollan, New York Times Journalist, Advocate and Author: ‘The Omnivores Dilemma’ “...I have no doubt that your film will fill young people with optimism and stoke their desire to farm. I can't imagine watching it as a 20 year old and not deciding this is what I want to do! You have made an important contribution to the American food movement..."
The gathering will be held in Cloughjordan Ecovillage one of Ireland’s best examples of an ecosystem of innovation: it includes over 55 low energy houses with community woodlands, renewable energy production, a wood-fired bakery, research gardens and a Community Farm. The Cloughjordan Community Farm is an example of community supported agriculture (CSA) and a is a cooperative approach to the supply of food to the community. WeCreate Workspace is a co-working space and innovation hub within the Ecovillage and home to Ireland’s first community FabLab; a Food Hub is also being developed at WeCreate, which will provide growers, makers and food producers with space to process, distribute and market their locally or regionally produced food goods.
That's our discussion regarding Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere!
that's all organic foot formula Feeding Ourselves 2016 | Community Food and Polyfaces' Film Premiere!,
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